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Silsila November 2024.jpg

egypt - november 2024

I thought the retreat was absolutely perfect!!!

I loved how you held space for us, gave us space, guided the perfect meditations, & entertained us with the most amazing history and sites!! I thought Stanley Egypt did a wonderful job showing Egypt to us - not just the main attractions, but off the beaten track places too! I loved all our daily adventures & of course, Mohammed is such a wonderful teacher! I learned so much about Egypt & her history. I loved how we had such wonderful shopping too:). I really enjoyed our time meditating in the various temples. 


What have I taken home with me?

Sisterhood. I didn’t know what I was missing in my life or how sad I’ve been that I have no tribe. After the trip, I see clearly how important having like-minded women in my life is. Even though we are all separated again, I can call upon anyone at any time & I’m sure I will see some of you again. And even knowing you all exist soothes my soul. The sisterhood was incredibly healing for me, as was having the healthy masculine energy around. 

I've also taken home new knowledge of Egypt and connections to Isis & Sekhmet.

I had so many interesting energetic experiences & cool synchronicities on the trip. I’m so glad I kept a journal with me to write things down as they happened & before I could forget. 

I have definitely noticed more love for myself since returning home. I am also more calm & accepting of life as it is in general. I feel more spacious & more supported. 


Have I grown to love myself more? Definitely, yes!


Was I able to release stuff that no longer serves me? Yes!…. Quite a bit, and I still am releasing. 


Do I have more clarity about myself? Absolutely, yes.


What does my life look like moving forward? 

I don’t know, but I am more settled, more trusting in my connection to the Divine, more peaceful inside. I have better boundaries with some difficult people in my life. I think my intuition will continue to grow & develop:) 


Thank you Michelle for an incredible journey!



Julie Bach - Canada

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